Wpisy zawierające słowo kluczowe OSM Beginy Plany budowy dróg.
Out of the boredom Komitet Ochoczego Developmentu
I finally decided that a person like me should achieve something great, something like google or twitter, only it should be bigger and be of better colors. There's a plan, I even have a great idea for a product that will help people around the world improve quality of their life, end wars and cure bipolar disorder that affects half of the population. Intrigued? Stay with me. I need to start from the basics, there's like milions of basics - they all will be now documented. Slowly, not steady. The documentation will be done in English, though I am polish, it's because I would like to reach people of Malysia (I am going there in 1 to 50 years). Me already speaks Inglese sehr well - yes, I don't. I am starting with a mechanism, that should help me to find myself in the big world. The mechanism will use OSM (Open Street Maps), the GPS, some graph algorithms and finally C++ with CMAKEs. I do not have any ambitions to be a C++ purist, and rather want to focus on finalizing th (...) Zobacz cały wpis na blogu » |
W trosce o komfort korzystania z naszego serwisu chcemy dostarczaĂ Ci coraz lepsze usÄšÂugi. By mÄĹc to robiĂ prosimy, abyĚ wyraziĚ zgodĂ na dopasowanie treÄšÂci marketingowych do Twoich zachowaĚ w serwisie. Zgoda ta pozwoli nam czĂÂÄšÂciowo finansowaĂ rozwÄĹj ÄšÂwiadczonych usÄšÂug.
PamiĂÂtaj, Ěźe dbamy o TwojĂ prywatnoÄšÂĂÂ. Nie zwiĂÂkszamy zakresu naszych uprawnieĚ bez Twojej zgody. Zadbamy rÄĹwnieĚź o bezpieczeÄšÂstwo Twoich danych. WyraĚźonĂ zgodĂ moĚźesz cofnĂ Ă w kaĚźdej chwili.