Wpisy zawierające słowo kluczowe conversion rate.
What is the conversion rate? Targeted Website Traffic That Converts
What is the conversion rate? Simply put, conversion rates are the percentage of visitors to your website or landing page that convert (that is, perform the action you want). Depending on your business goals, "conversion" can be almost anything, but the most common types are: • Make purchases; • Completing and submitting a form (contact form, interested customer production form and the like); • Contact your company. • Use the online chat system of your website. • Activate a subscription (paid or free, such as a weekly newsletter subscription); • Register on the website and activate the account. (...) Zobacz cały wpis na blogu » |
W trosce o komfort korzystania z naszego serwisu chcemy dostarczaĂ Ci coraz lepsze usÄšÂugi. By mÄĹc to robiĂ prosimy, abyĚ wyraziĚ zgodĂ na dopasowanie treÄšÂci marketingowych do Twoich zachowaĚ w serwisie. Zgoda ta pozwoli nam czĂÂÄšÂciowo finansowaĂ rozwÄĹj ÄšÂwiadczonych usÄšÂug.
PamiĂÂtaj, Ěźe dbamy o TwojĂ prywatnoÄšÂĂÂ. Nie zwiĂÂkszamy zakresu naszych uprawnieĚ bez Twojej zgody. Zadbamy rÄĹwnieĚź o bezpieczeÄšÂstwo Twoich danych. WyraĚźonĂ zgodĂ moĚźesz cofnĂ Ă w kaĚźdej chwili.