Profil blogera.
Lokalizacja | Ruda Śląska |
Główny blog | » |
Data urodzenia | 1994-02-10 |
Wiek | 31 lat |
Ostatnia aktywność | 2 lata temu lub dawniej |
Grupmy people always have a problem with something. Even overall of situations seems good they will point out every detail which annoyed them.
Nick is internet pseudonym. Nick means cut (little slit on body) ass well.
Adulthood, manhood, womanhood sounds such similar and pretty easy to remember words.
Sincerity verse could make that even brutal man will (...)
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Circulation your blood system have indywidual pulse.
While driving in sunny day you should put shades to avoid blindness
When i travel in other place a need a day to assimilate.
To get ideal texture of pudding you should blend it quickly.
I believe that someone kindle fire to burn Notre Dum.
You should put the pantyhose to avoid get col (...)
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At least [przynajmniej] we are together.
When I do all what is in my power it means that I’m devoting.
Crumbs are the small rest of food.
Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for others.
‘’a ruthless manipulator’’
Yesterday my car stopped on the middle of the road. I had thrust it to the (...)
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Conditonals: Zero conditional
Zerowy tryb warunkowy służy do opisywania zdarzeń, które na 100% będą miały miejsce, a także generalnych prawd. Z tego powodu w obu częściach zdania, używamy czasu present simple.
If + Present Simple , Present Simple
Present Simple + If + Present Simple
Szczególnie w zerowym trybie warunkowym możemy zamiast sł (...)
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Karoline incline to leave country but Annie incline to stay a assistant of professional photographer
Red light indicate that you must stop. Green light indicate that you can drive.
Our ensemble of Internetia served whole country.
That fateful accident makes that his guts were been everywhere.
Our service ensure satisfaction guarantee.
& (...)
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If you don’t register on our website your discount will be unaccounted.
will be unaccounted = won’t be included
Your outline is so detailed. I can see even wrinkles.
Our terms with Russia are hard to define
Our trip was pretty pleasant without any inconvenience.
Komenda and Kraska was wrongly convicted.
You should (...)
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I have started listen new audio book made by Sylwia Kaczmarek - World of English. I guess that I finally found audio book dedicated for me. I gotta say that even I feelt good when it goes to vocabulary, but I cannot practice this skills as much as I wish. Listening other audio books or reading a books make a dissonance and forced me to get learned another portion of fancy words who (...)
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Few minutes ago two guys near me argument about system of education. This theme is pretty popularity in Poland at the moment. Today was ended strike of teacher. What we shall do with their problem? Everyone want earn more. They are teacher they should want earn a lot. Usually i keep side conservative site. The biggest conservative party in Poland is PIS. They are conservatives and (...)
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Did schools and colleges should ban using cell? It’s hard question. When i used be in school that idea frequently arise on meeting of parents. Schools prohibited use cell phones during lessons. However on intervals kids used to sending funny ringtones, pic and apps by IRDA and later via bluetooth. Did was bad? When i was a kid. I wasn’t agree with teachers and I used to (...)
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I don’t like zoos. When i was a child i seen that’s cruel to keep wild animals in small cages.
If animals lived in more natural environment I wouldn’t have a problem with this kind of human entertainment. Many years later I realised, that zoos have some good sides as well. Some species are danger of extinction. They can keep normal live and make descendants. It w (...)
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W trosce o komfort korzystania z naszego serwisu chcemy dostarczać Ci coraz lepsze usługi. By móc to robić prosimy, abyś wyraził zgodę na dopasowanie treści marketingowych do Twoich zachowań w serwisie. Zgoda ta pozwoli nam częściowo finansować rozwój świadczonych usług.
Pamiętaj, że dbamy o Twoją prywatność. Nie zwiększamy zakresu naszych uprawnień bez Twojej zgody. Zadbamy również o bezpieczeństwo Twoich danych. Wyrażoną zgodę możesz cofnąć w każdej chwili.