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Lokalizacja Polska
Główny blog englishwrite.blogi.pl »
Data urodzenia 1992-05-06
Wiek 33 lat
Ostatnia aktywność 2 lata temu lub dawniej

Najciekawsze wpisy Englishwrite

I like write. That's sit. So maybe writing helped me of learning my English. Because he is wrong. I sitting in my work, and i'm boring. Clients it's not excist in this place. And I? I need feel beeter person. I need new competision: teaching new langauage for example. I must teaching. Patryk don't understand me.  That' the end. See you tomorrow.  Cya (...)

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I like write. That's sit. So maybe writing helped me of learning my English. Because he is wrong. I sitting in my work, and i'm boring. Clients it's not excist in this place. And I? I need feel beeter person. I need new competision: teaching new langauage for example. I must teaching. Patryk don't understand me.  That' the end. See you tomorrow.  Cya (...)

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I like write. That's sit. So maybe writing helped me of learning my English. Because he is wrong. I sitting in my work, and i'm boring. Clients it's not excist in this place. And I? I need feel beeter person. I need new competision: teaching new langauage for example. I must teaching. Patryk don't understand me.  (...)

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