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Główny blog antoniuktravelblog.blogi.pl »
Data urodzenia 2000-04-03
Wiek 25 lat
Ostatnia aktywność 2 lata temu lub dawniej

Ostatnie komentarze Jantoniuk

Podczas wysyłania bloga zauważyłem, że chyba nie zapisałem tekstu w blogu. Na szczęście zapisałem go w notatniku. Na dole jest oryginalny, przeklejony tekst, który napisałem 26.09: What is green travel? Green travel is a very ecologic from of traveling that we all should start to use. When green traveling, you try to use as less natural resources as possible. You do this by: -trying to pack smart and light -trying to use planes as rarely as possible -living in a tent/ a car rather than staying in big, luxury hotels etc. Why should you go green? Reason 1. According to the internet, air traveling alone is responsible for almost 35% of CO2 emition in the whole United States. It is a really big deal, and by avoiding using huge amounts of resources we can make earth better, cleaner and safer. Reason 2. Packing less or staying in a tent saves you A LOT of money. An average holiday tent, that can store up to 4 people costs about 600zł. That's a price, that some people pay for a hotel DAILY!

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